
Nomadic Retirement Living

Are you the type of person who tends to do things a little differently? Maybe you march to the beat of a different drummer?

You may also have the nagging feeling that it is time to be doing something different.

If so, have you asked yourself:

  • Why I am spending my best living years chasing extra dollars?
  • Who made up the rule that I have to work well into my 60’s, 70’s or beyond?
  • What if waiting for a conventional retirement isn’t going to work for me?

Love to travel?

You have a passion for travel – but you’re not the package holiday type.

For you travelling is more than a quick getaway to an all-inclusive resort. You prefer to get off the beaten track in search of an authentic travel experience rather than just getting a snapshot.

A quality life demands quality questions

Savvy folks wanting to retire early and travel need to be asking themselves questions like:

  • How do I achieve Financial Freedom?
  • Can I retire and travel the world on my current income?
  • How can I generate an income whilst travelling?
  • Where are the most affordable places to live and travel?
  • What does it really mean to retire?

Even if they don’t have the answers, they know where to find them.

This website is for those people and it may be the right place for you.

WARNING: this blog is not for everyone. The information contained herein may be hazardous to your preconceived notions.

To make sure you are in the right place lets explain what this site is not about.

This site is not about:

  • Living within the confines of social norms
  • It is not a typical travel blog (travel is a key theme but we will not bore you with what we had for lunch)
  • Whitewashing or creating a rosy picture – we will tell it like we see it, warts and all
  • Specific financial advice (although we discuss personal finances)
  • Consumer tourism
  • Being static
  • Being broke, scraping by, or exchanging one miserable existence for another
  • It is not about either /or thinking

Nomadic Retirement Living is about:

  • Whatever you want it to be
  • Retiring sooner, early retirement or mini retirements
  • Traveling more and living better for less
  • Different ways of looking at retirement and travel
  • Being true to yourself and figuring out what makes you tick
  • It is about being resourceful, independent and not reliant on what others think or what others want

Your Hosts

Nomadic Retirement Living was created by Michael & Yvonne Bauche, who retired in 2012 (at the ages of 44 and 53) and have been travelling the Globe ever since. You can read about their stories here and here.

However, this blog isn’t about Michael & Yvonne it’s about you and those of you who are not prepared to live the deferred life plan.

Nomadic Retirement Living is a little different –  it’s a resource for successful malcontents.

Are you ready to be challenged?

Because this site is designed to do that.

You are going to be challenged to think outside of the box and consider different options. Even if that means stepping out of your comfort zone.

Nomadic Retirement Living is here to provide a true honest voice to provoke you to look at life differently. It’s a voice that inspires, informs and presents new ideas. It’s about people helping people to find ways to lead a simpler but far richer life.

It is also about:

  • Living life to the fullest and living a life of abundance
  • Discovering different ways of doing things
  • Learning to know when it is time to shift gears, stop working full time and start traveling more in a financially sustainable manner
  • Finding the courage to make bold moves

So here’s the big question:

Are YOU ready to shift gears and live life on YOUR terms?

If so, use the link below to get the Nomadic Retirement Blueprint – the exact strategy that Michael & Yvonne used to retire early, to travel more and to live a richer, simpler life.

And if you’re not ready to get Nomadic just yet, that’s fine too.

Bookmark us and we’ll be here for you when you are.

Yes – I want to Travel More! 
