Email Confirmation Page

Wait! Just one more thing!


Before we can send you “The Early Retirement Blueprint”, we need you to confirm your email address so we know you are human and not some evil malicious web bot.

It is easy peasy – just follow 3 easy three steps.

Step 1: Go to your inbox and look for an email from Nomadic Retirement Living

RESPONSE REQUIRED: Confirm your email to receive your Early Retirement Blueprint Reports”

Step 2: Open the email and click on the confirmation button. Here is what it looks like:

Step 3: Enjoy the reports that comprise the “Early Retirement Blueprint”.

In order for you to receive the information you requested we need you to click the confirmation button.

Kindest regards,

Michael & Yvonne (aka MandY)

Living Better for Less – With no Fixed Address

P.S. – If you don’t receive an e-mail within 5 minutes, check your spam folder. Sometimes over zealous spam filters deposit our  e-mails there. If it’s not there, e-mail us directly at  and we’ll take care of things for you!

P.P.S. If you are interested in learning more about travel insurance then you’ll really like our book on travelling with confidence by packing the right insurance.

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